
Join the PHlock

By joining the crew of the Inland Empire Parrothead Club, you’re snagging a VIP pass to all the PHun under the sun.

Dive into our ultra-cool PHundraiser PHlockings, where your membership contributions help us keep the party rolling, spread the word, and plan even more epic gatherings. Plus, you’ll have the power to steer the ship, casting your vote on the horizon of events and the charities we ride the waves for each year.

Annual Memberships

Individual – $35
Family Same Household) – $55
Kids under 18 – Free with Family

HEADS UP: For all you seasoned PHlockers, remember to renew your dues by January 31 each year. This keeps our sails smooth with our home port, Parrot Heads in Paradise (PHiP), making sure we’re all flying in formation.

And hey, if you join the PHlock after October 1, your membership will count for the next year’s adventures.

Membership Level

Not ready to join just yet?

No worries! You’re welcome to visit up to two of our club Happy Hours as a sponsored guest of the club. Contact us at [email protected] or email one of our board members (below) to schedule a sponsored visit.

The Board
Ward Crawford, Founder & President
Beverly Crawford, Vice President
Debi Alsager, Secretary
Roy Moffit, Treasurer
Wendy May, Media Manager

Membership Terms & Conditions

Membership dues are renewed every January 1st for the upcoming year. You will receive a reminder when your dues are up for renewal. Family dues are based on persons living at the same address.

All members must abide by the Code of Conduct as established by the club board and bylaws. Violations may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of membership.

Dues are not deductible as a charitable expense for federal income tax purposes.


Each member is responsible for his or her own actions and behavior as well as that of their parakeet(s). Membership in the club does not give the member the license to use Jimmy Buffett’s name, song titles, lyrics, names of businesses or other copyrighted or reserved material owned by Jimmy Buffett.

Meeting Minutes and Club Bylaws

Sometimes we even take notes. When we do, they’d be here!

IEPHC Bylaws

PHiP Bylaws